Blog post 2

Honorio Antonio
2 min readApr 24, 2021

For some time now I have been interested in cameras. I’ve never done anything much with it aside from buying two to play with and take pictures (which I did not develop and lost the film to).

More recently… I got on Offer-Up. I’ve used this platform before and it’s pretty straightforward, you find an item that someone posted, you offer a price and once you come to an agreement, you set a meeting place and buy it. I come on here every once in a while to look for cars, cameras, watched… pretty specific things. More recently it was for a camera. I wanted to buy an old-school SLR camera but I did not want to pay more than $30 but I knew I would go up to $50 MAX LOL. I kept looking and kept asking. I found some deals here and there but I was just not happy with the price.

When I say I was looking, I mean that I sat there for long periods of time scrolling and scrolling trying to find something reasonable. Finally, I came across an old post of an SLR Camera for $40… I think. I looked at it and it was obviously old, and I was not sure if it worked (usually these cameras can be found with the problem since a lot stopped being manufactured). I messaged the seller and Offered-Up $15 (a lowball if the camera worked) but since I saw that it had been up for about 5 months, I thought I could use that against them!! TO MY SURPRISE… I didn’t have to do that because a few days later they contacted me back and said sure.

Side note: I can be pretty undecisive and this kicked in after seeing that I would go on a 45 min drive to pick up the camera. I mean, it was not that bad but given the case that it didn’t work… what a waste of gas and money smh.

I drove the 45 min and picked up the camera pretty easily. The first thing I did was check if the shutter worked, listen for any sounds in the camera, watch for film advancement…. it all looked good. The only thing I saw was that the lens had mold…. not the best thing and at the time I felt it was the end of the world. After a google search, I came to the conclusion that it was still fine to use and would not really affect the pictures.

Fast forward to now… I have the camera and have a film in it. I have taken pictures but have not developed any. I still do not know if the camera works… I can only find out after I develop the film and spend another $13.

